Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Taste of Illegal Immigration

The United States is the “melting pot” of the world. Millions of people immigrate into the U.S. in hopes of finding a better life. Recently, the numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has drastically increased. Illegal aliens live and work in our country by means of an expired green card. Hard working Americans are paying into our system, while illegal aliens are taking advantage of something that doesn’t belong to them. Illegal aliens are depleting our resources paid for by hardworking American systems. Poor working class Americans pay taxes to the government without reaping the benefits of their tax money. Illegal aliens receive valuable services reserved for law abiding American citizens such as healthcare and education. They receive aid in hospitals without payment and exploit free and reduced lunches in schools. These services are already under funded and exhausted without the addition of the non contributing persons. They crowd our classrooms, limit the amount of low class housing available and drain our precious resources like water and oil. Illegal aliens do not bother with getting citizenship rather they trust in the fact that they won’t be caught and deported. They do not get insurance and consequently become a burden to Americans when they get in car accidents. Immigration is the backbone of the United Sates, but when it is done illegally it becomes a burden to working class American citizens.


Nicole said...

While many may believe that illegal immigrants are taking advantage of our country, I believe this is not the case. I just got done watching a movie on illegal immigrants in one of my classes and through this movie I gained more insight on their lives. The conditions in their country are extremely harsh and the only way for many of them to survive is to move in order to find work. Their small towns are extremely poor and they have no where else to turn. Even children as young as 12 are smuggling themselves into America in order to help their families survive. And many people die while trying to cross the border. In hope of a better life, they die instead.

They do not want to live here forever; most of them just want to make enough money to put their families in a better economic position. They love their country but if they stay there they will continue suffering and eventually die. So they take a chance of loosing their life and come to America to work. They work extremely hard for the money they do make and contribute greatly to our working class. Many take jobs that would be left unfilled if they did not take them. I believe our country has the capacity to help those that are less fortunate than us. Yes, we have people in our country that need help and our government does help them. But this is the last resort for many immigrants. They risk their lives in order to help make their family members lives better. I think our country should at least give out more working permits so that many more immigrants can come legally and work for a certain amount of time. This would help the issue a lot. Immigrants could come legally to the United States, work and make money to help their extremely unfortunate families, and return home with something to their name. However, the United States only issues a very small amount of workers permits, so the issue of illegal immigration continues. Most of the immigrants have no other choice so they are going to come to work whether they are given a permit or not. Therefore, more permits would be helpful and then there would be less illegal immigrants. But our country should be more supportive of people from other countries who have no other way to make their lives better.

Mo's Mom said...

Sorry Nicole but I have to agree with Brooke's original posting. I have no problem with immigrants coming into the US legally - it is the enormous amount of illegal immigrants that perpetuates the imbalance in our economic and judicial systems. Yes, they are often coming from extremely impoverished conditions in search of a better way of life but why can't they follow the proper procedures and come into the US legally?

Anonymous said...

There are many different aspects to this topic. My freshman seminar just got through with an immigration unit and there are many benefits to LEGAL immigration that cover up for the consequences of everything else. Yes i believe that illegal immigration is a problem for the US and its people and i believe that the government should pay more attention to this.

In one of my readings, an economist said that "it is impossible to have free borders with a welfare state". This refers to the idea that immigrants come to this country with a sort of "safety net" knowing that they will have benefits even if they do not succeed with their jobs. This is very important because the welfare state attracts many more immigrants to our country; if we did not have a welfare state for illegal immigrants there would be less incentive to immigrate.