Thursday, October 11, 2007

Overcrowded Classrooms

The Federation for American Immigration Reform ( provides the following statistics: The U.S. school-aged population has reached an all-time high of 55 million. Between 1990 and 2000, enrollment increased by 14 percent. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the size of the student body will almost double by 2100. Yet without school-age immigrants (about 250,000 a year) and the children of immigrants (about 725,000 a year), school enrollment would not be rising at all. Today, one in five students has at least one foreign-born parent. In California, almost half of the students starting school are immigrants or the children of immigrants.
Overcrowding in schools across the nation has become a major concern for many students, parents, principals and teachers. Schools have exceeded their capacity in order to accommodate large population growth. Portable classrooms and temporary instructional spaces like cafeterias and gyms are common ways managing overcrowded classrooms. These spaces are not preferable learning environments. Money is spent on building more schools rather than being used to improve the quality of education for current students. Illegal immigrants pose challenges to school systems struggling to raise academic achievement levels sometimes in order to receive more funding. Most illegal immigrants do not speak English which creates great difficulty for teachers and other students in the classroom. Special programs like ESL have to be funded to assist immigrants learning and communication skills.
Illegal immigration hinders the government’s ability to provide high quality education. The large numbers of children of illegal immigrants crowd classrooms and impede learning.


Kristy said...

I think that illegal immigration leaves other students that are legal citizens at a great disadvantage. While they are here illegally and not paying taxes that the rest of the nation is, they are jipping the system. Immigrants or the children of immigrants are not paying taxes towards the fees for the schools that all other US residents are.

Now these children who are legally enrolled in school deprieved of a good education. By being in classrooms that are overcrowded studemts are getting less individual time with the teacher. The teachers also have to make sure that they are following the 'no child left behind' policy. While most immigrant children are bilingual, with english not being their first language, the teacher will have to move at a slower pace to make sure these children are keeping up with the pace. The quality of citizen's education is extremely diminished.

lynn said...

The drain on the public school system is overwhelming. Currently the number of Hispanic children enrolling in public schools without any language or literacy skills is major problem to schools. The funding from the federal government is not there. The need for ESl teachers and thus services has not been supported. All of this in a time where the federal government is saying LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND. The schools are held to accountablity standards where every child must pass grade level standards. SO the pressure is on the schools to teach all children yet the support from the state and federal government is non existent. I believe that we must get behind expanding the support in schools for the immigration population and reconsider the LNCB requirements. If the immigrants are using the public school services, free lunch program and all of the support in place for education, then I believe they need to be a part of the taxes fund schools.

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