Thursday, October 11, 2007

Helping the Less Fortunate

I recognize and sympathize with those countries with harsh living conditions. I realize that many people don’t have fresh water to drink, food to eat, or even jobs to support their families. However, one must take into consideration how many less fortunate people we have in our own country. What efforts are we making to help them out? Our resources are going to people who aren’t citizens. Shouldn’t we take care of those hard working Americans first? Our government should send aid and relief to poor countries. We should help them establish a lifestyle in which they can succeed in their homeland since that’s where they prefer to be.

Immigrants do contribute to our economic prosperity by taking on jobs that would otherwise be unfilled. It is not okay though for employers to hire undocumented workers. Those employers are taking advantage of the fact that the immigrants will work for low wages. Illegal immigrants are paid cash under the table and as a result they dodge our nation’s social security. Jobs are swept up by illegal immigrants and consequently leaving our citizens unemployed. The Center for Immigration Studies states that competition between immigrants and natives is especially fierce at the bottom of the labor market, because so many immigrants are employed in the low-skilled/low-wage segments of the economy. Immigrants are 60 percent more likely to be employed in low-skilled occupations than are native-born workers.

The reader mentioned that immigrants can come legally and work for a certain amount of time. The truth of the matter is that most do not. They chose to enter illegally and do not contribute to the system they are benefiting from, thus becoming a burden to our country.


Nicole said...

I completely agree that our government needs to help the less fortunate of our own country but I also think there is more our government can do to help those in other countries. The fact is that the immigration laws are extremely strict and contrary to what many believe many people try to get working permits but the government makes it almost impossible. They issue a very limited amount and so those who are suffering risk their lives in order to make money for their family. Most do not want to leave their country, but they have no other choice. It is extremely dangerous to cross the border, but in most cases they have no other choice. They would not risk their lives if they could get a working permit that would ensure their safety.
It would be a lot better if governments of the immigrant's countries would do more to help their own poor but most governments are not like ours at all. We can not make other governments care and help their own people but I think we can do more to help the poor people of those countries who are getting no other help. I do not support paying immigrants under the table, I just think that the government should do more, like issue more working permits, so the more immigrants can work here legally. All they are trying to do is survive. Wouldn’t you work illegally if that was your only way to help your family survive? I wish every government would impalement plans to help their poor, but the fact is most countries could care less. I just think our country has the capacity to help more immigrants have better lives than our government does now. We need to concern ourselves with our own poor, but I do not think issuing more working permits would hurt helping our own impoverished.

Brooke said...

I agree that one alternative to curbing illegal immigration is to issue more work permits, but the issue of immigrants choosing to not register still remains. By not registering and entering illegally they aren’t held accountable for anything. If immigrants were to come into the country legally they wouldn’t have a problem obtaining a work permit since an Alien Registration Care proves that you may work in the United Sates. The website outlines the procedures of obtaining a work permit in the United States. Establishing a way for immigrants who are here temporarily on a green card to pay taxes is imperative. If immigrants pay into the system, they can and are entitled to receiving welfare benefits. The old saying “you get out of it as much as you put into it” holds true.
There is a limit to how much aid the government can give out. Funding large amounts of money to immigrants impinges on the government’s ability to adequately provide for its own natives. The federal budget is not boundless. Our quality of life goes down as our population rises. We do not have the room or the resources to permit uncontrolled expansion of our population. Regulating the amount of work permits granted allows the government to uphold our nation’s promising characteristics that influence people to immigrate here in the first place.