Thursday, November 1, 2007

Other Public Issues to Consider...

Over the past month I have devoted myself to presenting various aspects of immigration, especially in regards to education. I hope that as a reader you have enjoyed reading my posts and have gained an exceptional amount of knowledge about the binary public issue. Immigration is only one of the many public issues that are highly debated in today’s society. Below are a couple of other controversial issues you should check out.

Crossing the Border Crossing the Line
This blog is also about immigration; however, its focus is more geared towards immigrants and their role in the American economy. Although the blog exudes a more emotional appeal, it still has a factual basis. The posts are very informative and well organized. There is an exceptionally low amount of bias present in the posts creating credibility. The blogger’s opinions are encompassed by lots of evidence which makes the blogger seem very knowledgeable and trustworthy. The posts are designed in a manner so the reader can interpret and formulate his or her own opinions about the subject manner. The addition of pictures embedded within the text adds sentiment. I read the blog on a consistent basis and found it to be very enlightening. I was able to gain a different perspective on the subject as well as become more versed in the resources available to me in my own quest concerning immigration.

Secondhand Smoke is No Joke
I was a fan of this blog from the beginning because I have very strong opinions about smoking. My personal convictions and advocacy towards the issue allowed me to relate to the blogger’s viewpoints. Initially, much of my opinions about smoking were very biased and based on personal experience. After continually reading the bloggers posts, I was able to formulate stronger opinions that were backed by credible evidence. The blogger did a good job of analyzing the contentious issue by exploring a variety of sources. This allowed readers to become well versed in the subject matter and not just in the statistical numbers. The recent changes in our campus smoking policy instigated my attraction to this blog. Reading about the harms of secondhand smoking helped my understanding of the reasoning behind the legislative changes on campus.

This is why WE hjot…. Global Warming
The artistic elements of this blog made it particularly appealing to read. The blogger’s creativity creates a light hearted and somewhat comical mood. Titles such as “Singing our way to a better Earth,” “Extra Extra Read All About it” and “When I say GO you say GREEN… GO GREEN” all emphasize the pleasurable tone. The innovative use of language keeps readers interested and engaged. Although the blog has a hip flavor, it still maintains significance. Posts are simple, yet informative. Several posts are devoted to sharing ideas on how we can help stop global warming. The blogger also uses politics to persuade readers to act. The importance of global warming and its potential affects on my life inspired me to become informed.